Cleaning action with “Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Siete Palmas”

On May 16th, the NGO “O2 por la vida” and the language school “Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Siete Palmas” from Las Palmas joined forces to carry out a unique and meaningful activity called “Cleaning and Talking Different Languages”. The aim of this event was to promote environmental awareness and multilingualism among the participants.

The activity took place in the scenic “Barranco del Guiniguada,” which is known for its lush vegetation and picturesque landscapes. The participants, including members of “O2 por la vida” and professors and students from the language school, spent the day cleaning the area and picking up litter. This was an excellent opportunity for the participants to make a difference and contribute to the conservation of the environment.

In addition to cleaning the area, the participants also had the chance to practice their language skills. Two volunteers from “O2 por la vida” who spoke English and German respectively, helped the participants improve their language skills by engaging in conversation and offering tips and suggestions. This made the activity even more meaningful, as participants were able to learn and practice new languages while contributing to the environment.

Overall, the activity was a great success. The participants were able to make a positive impact on the environment and practice their language skills at the same time. This event was a great example of how NGOs and language schools can collaborate to achieve meaningful goals and promote positive values in society. The efforts of “O2 por la vida” and the language school “Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Siete Palmas” are commendable, and we hope to see more such activities in the future.
